Wednesday 1 March 2017

A Cornish Dreaming

Here in Australia we hear a lot about the Aboriginal Dreamtime and their Aural History (or their Dreaming).  After watching that magnificent ABC production First Footprints which uses such aural history as the basis for telling the story of Australia from the first arrival of people to this continent to the time of the arrival of Captain James Cook and his crew to Botany Bay, it occurred to me that we all have our dreaming.
Some years ago, I was visiting Cornwall, a county in England where I spent much of my childhood.  One day I took a walk in Eastern Cornwall from a small village called North Hill up onto Bodmin  Moor.  On the way we passed through a farm yard where the various stages of the use of the buildings could be seen from the barns to the present farmhouse. As we approached the open moor we passed close to Allabury Camp, an Iron Age Hill fort, and passed many hut circles and also evidence of more recent mining activity.  When we reached the summit of the tor we were rewarded a panoramic view.  To the north the view is to North Cornwall whilst to the east is a view across the Lynher and Tamar Valleys towards Dartmoor.   Closer to the tor Trewortha Farm can be seen and just by the farm there are three reconstructed round houses.  Not far away the remains of two long deserted Medieval settlements can be found.  To the south there are many remains to the mining industry that was once the staple industry of the area up to the beginning of the 20th century.  Granite was quarried and tin was mined.  Not far away are the remains of Upton Castle, thought to be a 12th century defended manor house.

As we sat there, I realized that I was looking at the entire sweep of human history of the area from the days when people first started living in communities and were involved clearing the land to grow their crops, managing the woodlands for timber  and mining/quarrying for the construction of their dwellings. Suddenly two fighter jets roared over the tor which brought me back to the present.  Modern Britain is all around; the modern city of Plymouth is not far away.

It was then that I realized that this was my dreaming.  This is the story of ordinary people who, over the millennia, have lived out their lives in a daily struggle to feed their families. Today much of this is lost in the day to day life in a modern materialistic society. We are losing our Dreamtime.

 The Village of North Hill
 A country lane leading up to Hawk's Tor
 Hawks Tor
 The Summit
 A hut circle on the flanks of the tor
 The reconstructed Roundhouses near Trewortha Farm
 Two photos around the site of Upton Castle

 The Hurlers - three stone circles on the edge of the village of Minions.  The tor in the background is Stowe Hill the site of a pre roman settlement.  A more modern quarry was dug into the side of this tor during the 19th century which has destroyed much of the earlier remains.
The remains of tin mine on Caradon Hill.  These engine houses can be seen all around the county and also in Devon around Dartmoor.  Similar engine houses were constructed here in Australia by Cornish miners and can still be seen around Moonta and Burra in South Australia

The follwing link takesw you to another blog I have been keeping of my travels over the past ten years.  This particular link is of a visit I made to Rough Tor on Bodmin Moor.  There many Prehistoric remains here and this was the site of a Time Team dig which was very interesting.

This neext link is the guide for a walk in the area which follows much the same route as I took that day

The following links give a lot more information

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