Sunday 26 July 2020

King Arthur's Britain - Part 2

Episode 2

Francis Pryor sheds light on the so-called 'Dark Ages' and finds a world inhabited by Christianised, literate Britons.

Saturday 18 July 2020

.King Arthur's Britain - Part 1

Francis Pryor argues that Britain's early history was a vibrant period, when the island thrived under foreign influences from as far afield as the Middle East without losing any cultural identity

Episode 1

Francis Pryor reveals that the Roman invasion of Britain was not a brutal suppression of indigenous culture but a mutually beneficial experience that the Britons may have actually instigated.

Further Reading:
Sub Roman Britain - Wikipedia
Francis Pryor - Wikipedia

Thursday 9 July 2020

Stonehenge, Newgrange and Neanderthal People

This week I found these three short YouTubes about Stonehenge in Britain, Newgrange in Ireland and a cave in the Middle East which you may find of interest they are not long, ranging from from 12 to 15 minutes each.  I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Massive Prehistoric Monument Found at Stonehenge
Newgrange in Ireland
Neanderthal Cave Excavated in Shanidar

Further Reading

Stonehenge: Neolithic monument found near sacred site
Stonehenge - Wikipedia
Newgrange - Wikipedia
Shanidar Cave - Wikipedia